For folks who rely on private wells to source their tap water, proper maintenance is essential. Your health and safety depend on it! While some efforts are better left to the pros, others are easy for your to do right at home.
We’ve compiled a few helpful DIY well maintenance tips. Check them out below.
Well Record-Keeping
Just like your healthcare and tax records, keeping track of well maintenance makes everything easier. Create a logbook that lists when maintenance was performed and by whom; water and environmental quality testing; drilling reports, along with location, age, and condition of the well; and equipment repairs and replacements, as well as invoices and bills. Keeping these records organized and accessible will keep you up to date on the proper well maintenance schedule.
Well Maintenance Calendar
Typically, water wells are very reliable systems that require little extra thought. Regular maintenance helps keep them that way. Creating a well maintenance schedule is the easiest way to remember when it’s time to work on your well, or schedule appointments with a professional contractor. Write reminders on your calendar, create a spreadsheet on your computer, or program dates into your mobile device – whichever way is most convenient for you. Important dates and maintenance services to highlight include:
Well Inspection
- Get in the habit of visually inspecting your wellhead and other aboveground components several times a year. This is especially important before and after the cold winter months
- Chlorinate your well annually, and have it professionally flushed every 7-10 years
- If you lose records, can’t remember the last time you had it serviced, or move to a new home with one on-site, have your well professionally inspected ASAP
Water Testing
- Have your well water tested for quality annually
- If you notice any sudden changes in taste, clarity, and/or odor, stop drinking your water and have it tested immediately. The same is true in the event of flooding or agricultural incident in your area
- Just like the well inspection, it is important to have your water tested if you can’t recall the last time it was tested, or if you move to a new home
Water Treatment System(s)
- Before you install a water softener, filter, or other treatment system, have your well water tested for quality.
- Have your water treatment devices inspected annually, and follow manufacturer’s instructions for proper maintenance schedules.
Septic System
- Have your septic system professionally inspected each year, and maintain/repair/replace any worn or defective components.
- Pump out the tank as needed or recommended by professionals. Remember, a wastewater leak can have disastrous consequences on your drinking water. Regular well and septic tank maintenance is far less expensive than the work required to treat a leak or spill.
Additional Well Tips
For more advice on maintaining your water systems at home, download or print this handy free wellowner’s guide or contact us today.
C&J Well Company is your source for well drilling, installation, maintenance, and repair. We are your local full-service well and water treatment specialists. Contact us today and let us know how we can assist you.