COVID-19 RESPONSE: C&J Well Co is operating as an essential business & complying with the Social Distancing Requirements. We are available to assist our fellow Hoosiers with emergencies.

Well Service FAQs

Frequently Asked Well Service Questions

How do I chlorinate my well?

This is easily one of the most critical well questions our customers ask. Chlorination is an essential task every Central Indiana well owner should complete. Without it, well components can break down, and water can become contaminated with harmful pathogens. Read our step-by-step directions on how to chlorinate your well correctly.

Can C&J chlorinate my well?

Yes! Chlorination is one of the many well maintenance services we offer. Simply contact us for more information.

Can C&J submit my water to an independent lab for testing?

Yes, this is another one of our services. If you want your Central Indiana well water tested for quality or to ensure its safety, contact us to schedule an appointment. We’ll come to your property and collect a water sample for you.

What does C&J recommend if I have a lot of sediment?

Sand, silt, or other debris in water coming out of the faucets at home is a sign that a well needs to be cleaned. C&J offers a thorough cleaning service where we remove the submersible pump and lower an air hose into the well. Using high-pressure air, we break free any built-up sediment build-up trapped in the well. Other companies use harsh chemicals to remove debris, but the air is as effective and doesn’t leave behind any harmful material. Air also cleans your well screen and improves the quality of your water supply.

What do I do if I don’t know where my well is?

A missing well is not as uncommon as you might think, and a lost wellhead in vegetation can make locating your well next to impossible. Thankfully, C&J has the technology to help find it. We use specialized equipment to successfully locate old missing Central Indiana wells about 90% of the time.

For More Well Service Questions, Contact Us

If you do not see your question listed, please give us a call! Our team at C&J is happy to answer any questions you have about well products, service, and maintenance. Contact us today to learn more.