Get added to our Lifetime Pump Warranty Program when you upgrade or complete your water system.
Already have some pieces of the system? No worries! You can purchase the remaining components at a special discounted rate to complete your dream setup and get our Lifetime Warranty. *Ask about our package discounts on water softeners and reverse osmosis drinking water systems from c and j water!
Your submersible well pump is the “heart” of your well system. Electric pumps draw water from inside the casing and deliver it through water pipes into your home.
Your pressure switch works with the pressure tank to regulate pressure and operate the pump. The contacts and wiring should be clean to ensure everything is safe and working properly.
A properly working well pressure tank preserves the life of your well pump and pressure switch. It should build and hold the correct pressure, ensuring a long life for your well pump.
During a well cleanout, we remove your submersible pump from the well, lower a high-output air line into the well, and airlift years of built-up sediment and gunk out of the well. This freshens up your old well and redevelops the screen, enabling better flow and better-quality water.