C&J Well Co.’s Annual 6-Point Inspection
Check Pressure Switch
Pressure switches are designed to regulate water pressure and operate the pump itself. They play a crucial role in maintaining the desired water flow. If they fail at any time, you could be left without access to water.
During a pressure switch inspection, it’s important to look for any corrosion damage that may occur with the wiring or other switch components. The switch contacts, springs, and wiring should also be checked to ensure that all parts of the pressure switch are working properly.
Inspect Pressure Tank
Pressure tanks help regulate water pressure in the well system. When water is pumped from the well into the tank, it compresses the air inside, creating pressure.
If things aren’t working properly, the tank may experience a “short or quick-cycling” process, possibly shortening the lifespan of the pump and causing damage to the tank itself. During a pressure tank inspection, we’ll look for how well the tank regulates the pressure.
Look for Leaks
Water leaks can cause wear and tear on your system, in addition to possible water damage to your home. Leak inspections help us find any leaks within your system. This process begins at the pressure tank.
The first step is to check the pressure gauge, as this can show us if the system is properly holding pressure from the pump to the tank. From there, we’ll look at any visible piping to ensure there are no leaks, rot, or corrosion.
Pump Amp Test
A pump amp test measures the electrical current drawn by the pump while it’s operating. This provides insights into the pump’s power consumption and helps assess whether the pump is operating within its optimal range.
If our metering device indicates that the pump is drawing too much electricity – or not enough – it can indicate potential issues with the pump’s motor.
Water Flow Check
Water flow checks are used to measure the rate at which water is delivered from the well, to ensure it aligns with the demands of your household. If issues are identified during the water flow check, our team investigates further to pinpoint the root cause.
Whether it’s addressing blockages, evaluating the well’s capacity, or optimizing the pump system, our goal is to ensure that your well meets the water needs of your household.
Gather Bacteria Sample
Testing the water in your well provides us with an excellent understanding of the condition of your well. We take a sample of your water and send it to an independent laboratory to test for bacteria. While there will always be some amount of healthy bacteria within the water, water testing allows us to detect harmful bacteria, such as Coliform and E. coli. We can also test for additional contaminants at an additional charge.
If harmful bacteria are detected in the water supply, we work with you to implement the best solution to improve the quality of your water.
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