The Benefits of Owning Your Own Water Well

C&J Well Drilling

Thinking twice about your tap water? When it comes from a local public source, there’s a lot to think about. From the chemicals that go into treated drinking water, including chlorine and fluoride, to all the microscopic stuff you hope comes out – there’s a lot more to municipal drinking water than simply turning on the tap.

If you’ve been wondering about installing a private water well on your property, consider these three big benefits.

Well Water is Cheap (Actually, It’s Free!)

One of the best perks to having your own private water supply is the cost. Or, lack of it. Once your well is dug and the necessary equipment is in place, you can say goodbye to water bills for good! Yes, municipal water rates are affordable in most places, but the average person uses about 100 gallons of water a day. Multiply that by a month and add a family of four or more, and those costs really climb. With your own well, you never have to worry about another high water bill.

Well Water is Reliable

Most folks take drinking water for granted – until something happens. Between broken mains, boil advisories, and other unexpected emergencies, problems with municipal water utilities are fairly common. Combined with aging (and in some cases, crumbling) infrastructure across the country, and even more problems for cities like Flint, Michigan are all but guaranteed in the future.

When you tap into the groundwater that private wells supply, you gain peace of mind. Another bonus of a well is that you never have to wonder where your water comes from, what it went through, or how long it sat in a tank or pipe somewhere before reaching your faucets. Well water is pumped directly from the source, right below your home!

Well Water is Healthy

Now let’s be honest … there is nothing wrong with municipal drinking water around here. That’s because our local water utilities work hard and invest lots of time and energy into making sure nothing is in that water. The problem is, when they treat water for contaminants, they also remove many of the naturally occurring and beneficial minerals. That’s where well water wins again.

Besides being naturally filtered, well water is often packed with minerals and other nutrients your body needs. It typically tastes better, too. Drinking isn’t the only way your body benefits either; water is more gentle on the skin in baths and showers.

We could talk all day about the perks of having your own water well at home, but don’t just read about them – experience them for yourself! Get in touch with C&J Well Company and learn how to get started with a well of your own. At C&J, we do it all: from site planning to digging; installing, maintaining, and even replacing, we’re your complete source for wells and drinking water solutions. Get off the water grid and start enjoying the many benefits of private water well ownership today.