If you have a private water well, a working pump is essential for getting water inside your home. You obviously don’t want it to stop working, but that doesn’t mean it won’t still have occasional issues. If unaddressed, many small problems with your well pump can lead to more expensive repairs or even replacement. This article will go over some of the most common well pump problems and how to fix them so you can keep your family safe and healthy.
The pump has no power.
When your well pump isn’t working, first you should check the circuit breaker. If it’s not tripped, then move on to checking fuses and power cords. If your well pump has no power, it is possible that the circuit breaker for your well pump is not on. To check this, follow these steps:
Check the circuit breaker to make sure it is on. If it is off, turn it on.
If you have a submersible well pump, it is important to ensure the electrical system works properly before checking out the pump.
Step 1: Check for an electrical short in the wires leading from the breaker box to the wiring on the back of your submersible pump. If there is an electrical short in these wires, then there will not be enough voltage provided to power up your well pump. If there is an electrical short, you must replace the faulty wiring.
Step 2: Check for loose connections or frayed wires on either end of those wires that run from one end of your home’s electrical system to another end. These connections may have come loose during installation or due to age and wear and tear. It’s best if you can get help from someone who knows how to fix these sorts of issues with electrical systems so they can take care of any problems before they become bigger problems down the road.
If you are not getting any power to the well pump, call an electrician who knows how to wire electrical systems well enough to fix any problems with your wiring system.
If everything is fine with these components, you may have an issue with your pump switch or motor.
The pump is quick cycling.
Quick cycling is a condition where the water pump turns on and off frequently. Several things can cause it, and troubleshooting is important before replacing the pump.

A quick cycling pump can cause problems with your water supply. If you have a well, the pump may cycle on and off every few minutes or seconds, but if you have city water, it may cycle every few hours or days.
Here are some common causes of quick cycling:
Low Water Level — If your well has a low water level, the pump will turn on and off more often than usual to keep up with demand. A low-water alarm can help prevent this problem by alerting you when the level gets too low.
Bad Pressure Switch — A pressure switch controls when your pump turns on and off. You’ll want to ensure this part isn’t malfunctioning because of corrosion or poor electrical connections.
Corrosion — Corrosion from minerals in your water supply can cause problems with your well system over time. This could result in inefficient water pump operation or even damage to other parts of your system due.
Leaks in the piping
If you have a well pump, checking for leaks in the piping is important. To do this, turn off the pump and look for bubbles in the water line. If you see any, there is a leak somewhere in your system that needs to be repaired before turning on your pump again (or else it will just keep leaking).
To repair leaks:
- Check valves can be replaced with new ones purchased at an irrigation supply store or home improvement center; these inexpensive parts should last several years before needing replacement. You may also need to replace other parts of your pressure tank system depending on how old they are—older systems tend not to perform as well as newer ones because they are made differently than today’s models and are more prone both breakage over time due to age/use wear-out effects. Plus, corrosion is caused by acidic substances like rust forming inside pipes due to repeated exposure to mineral deposits from water flowing through them every day.
Low water pressure
Several things can cause low water pressure. It could be that your well pump is old or not working as hard. Whatever the reason, low water pressure is something that needs to be addressed quickly if you want to avoid damage to your water well system.
Low water pressure can cause several problems:
- Water will take longer than normal to reach your home
- Problems with appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines that require high amounts of water pressure
Air in the system
Air in the system can cause several problems, so it’s important to check for air when troubleshooting. To do this, turn off your pump and let all water drain out of it by opening up your faucets and letting them run until no more water is coming out. Then, reconnect everything and start up again—but don’t turn on any more faucets. If you turn on another faucet while doing this test, some remaining water may come out of it because there was still some pressure left in one or more pipes after they were drained.
When everything has been reconnected but before turning on any other appliances (like washing machines or dishwashers), look at each pipe coming out from under your well pump; if bubbles are coming from anywhere other than where they should be—i.e., at either end where there are no valves—you’ve got an air leak somewhere in your system.
If you can’t solve your water well pump issues, call a professional
The last thing you want is for your pump to fail at the worst possible moment, like when it’s cold or dark out, and you can’t see what’s going on with your water supply. If you need help solving your water well pump problems, it’s best to call a professional. Take your time and avoid running out of water. A state-licensed pump technician can help with any issues related to your home’s plumbing system. If you’re experiencing any of these problems, it’s time to call C&J Well Co.