When you have a well pump, you don’t want to think about getting it repaired—you want it to work like clockwork to keep your water flowing. Can you repair your water well pump if you have a faulty motor or something else that stops water flow? Read on for tips on fixing problems with your well pump and saving yourself money by doing it yourself.
What does a water well pump do?
A water well pump is an essential residential or commercial water system component. It pumps water from the ground and delivers it to your home or business, where it can be used for drinking, bathing, cleaning, and other purposes. A typical pump consists of a motor that drives a centrifugal pump that sucks in groundwater through its intake pipe (also known as an “inlet”). The suction creates pressure inside the well shaft—a tube leading down into Earth’s crust—forcing water throughout your residence.
Signs your water well pump may be failing

A water well pump that isn’t working properly can cause an alarm. If you have a major problem with your pump, such as frequent breakdowns or an intermittent power supply, you can try repairing your water well pump rather than replacing it completely. But if your pump is relatively new and still performing well but has some minor issues you want to fix, then there’s no need to replace your entire system just yet.
You may have a water well pump that needs repair if you notice any of the following:
- Water pressure is low, or your water becomes cloudy.
- Your well pump is noisy, making a grinding sound when it turns on and off.
- Your water well pump comes off and on repeatedly—quick cycling.
Repairing a Water Well Pump
If you have a water well pump that has stopped working, there are a few things you can do to repair it. First, check the power source and ensure it is connected properly. If this does not work, you probably should replace some parts of your pump or the pump itself.
You’ll need to know what to do in case of a problem or when replacing the pump entirely. Several parts make up your well water system, including:
- The casing/housing stores all parts and keeps them together as one unit. It also protects against dirt and debris getting into any of those parts during operation. This is typically made out of plastic or metal (sometimes both).
- The motor end cap is where electricity enters from outside sources.
- The impeller creates suction and pulls water from your well into the pump.
Replacing the Motor End on a Water Well Pump
The first step in replacing the motor end on a water well pump is to remove it from its housing. This can be done by removing any clamps or screws that hold the motor end in place, then gently prying off the old part with a flathead screwdriver.
Once you’ve removed your old motor end, inspect it for damage before installing your new one. Suppose there are cracks or other visible signs of wear on either side where water would flow through (i.e., between two bearings). In that case, this may indicate some internal leak before you took apart your pump system—and, therefore, it might not be able to be repaired.
If everything looks good on both sides of where water flows through, though, go ahead and install your new replacement piece using those same screws or clamps as before—just make sure everything lines up correctly, so nothing gets damaged during reassembly later on down the road. Once everything fits snugly together again without any gaps between moving parts being left open anymore due to poor alignment issues due out while trying to get things lined up properly again after taking apart something like this requires patience when trying to figure out how best to go about doing so without causing more harm than good.
Replacing the Impeller on a Water Well Pump

The impeller creates suction and pulls water from your well into the pump. When a fluid passes through a constricted space, it undergoes the Venturi effect. A Venturi water pump utilizes this effect for increased water flow. The motor end of the pump attaches directly to this part of your system, so if you are experiencing problems with either one, you’ll need to replace them or just replace one at a time, depending on what needs replacing most urgently.
To begin, shut off power to your home’s breaker panel and turn off any electricity running through wires leading into or away from where work will take place. Remove all remaining screws holding down panels covering access points inside walls or ceilings where pipes enter rooms (if applicable). Then unscrew any bolts connecting lines using pliers if necessary—you should keep track of which ones go together so they can go back together later without having issues. Once done with this step, remove any previously mentioned pieces, such as faucets.
- Make sure the power is off before beginning any work on the electrical system, and make sure everyone knows where all the wires are located, so they don’t get shocked or electrocuted during repairs.
- Suppose there is an issue with corrosion or other damage to the motor housing. In that case, this should be replaced before attempting to run tests or further repair work on the rest of its components (like switches/electronics).
If you’re having trouble with your water well pump, don’t panic. Ultimately, if you’re unsure how to fix your water well pump and it needs to be replaced, it’s best to call a professional.
Water well pumps are a vital part of your home, and they’re not something you want to mess with if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you feel like you have no choice but to try to repair it yourself, we highly recommend hiring a professional to help you ensure your pump is working properly.
If your pump is beyond repair, it’s time to replace it. If you have any questions or concerns about repairing your water well pump, please do not hesitate to contact C&J today!