Confessions of a Well Driller—Part Four: When should I drill a well?
A well is a sustainable way to get fresh water directly from your property, but initial well drilling can be intensive work. Several factors play into deciding when the best time for water well drilling is, and it’s important to keep these in mind, especially with new construction. Planning ahead will ensure you get the fastest results without any roadblocks in the process. People drill wells on their property for various reasons. Sometimes it’s the only option available on a rural property. Some want to take advantage of the fact the majority of the earth’s freshwater lives underground. Some families want to live as sustainably as possible or live off the grid, so a well on their property gives them freedom and autonomy. Whatever the reason, drilling a well requires research and preparation. Before you get started, there are probably questions you have about when the well should be drilled. This article is the third in our “Confessions of a Well Driller” series, which aims to inform and educate Central Indiana well owners by utilizing our quarter-century of experience drilling and maintaining private water wells.
At what stage of construction should the water well be drilled?

Do you drill a well on an empty lot? Do you drill it in the middle of the house construction process? Or is it possible to wait until the house is complete before you start drilling? In some situations we might recommend that you get the well done as early as possible; however, it is possible to drill at almost any time during the process, if it’s done properly. Ultimately, the ideal time for well drilling depends on a variety of factors, including whether you’re building a structure from scratch or if there’s an existing home or building on your property. If you’re beginning your project with a bare plot of land, drilling a water well should be one of the first things you do. However, if you need to install a water well on a property with an existing structure, begin the well drilling process when you have no other construction projects going on—this will make it easier to drill the well and transport the extracted rocks and debris. The bottom line is, C&J Well Co. can drill your well for new construction or an existing property efficiently and professionally.
What time of year is best to drill a water well?
This is a great question—questions and uncertainty are normal parts of having a well drilled on your property. In fact, asking those questions is an important part of the process, so don’t be afraid to ask! Let’s look at some pros and cons of drilling a water well in each season.
Spring is usually the rainiest and wettest of the seasons, which can lead to a larger mess to clean up and weather delays. Also, because of the wet ground, the drill rig might become stuck in the mud if the drillers don’t plan accordingly. This doesn’t always happen, and there are great ways to get it unstuck, but just be aware that it’s a possibility. Furthermore, because the ground is more saturated, the borehole can collapse before you can set the well casing. Again, this is very rare, but it is possible. However, Spring can be a good time to drill a well if you can get it done early and beat the summer construction rush.
Summer & Fall
This is the time when the water table is lowest. By doing this, we hit the water at its lowest point, thus usually ensuring that for the rest of the year the well never goes dry. A day’s use may be concentrated into a period of one to two hours, often in different areas of the house at the same time (laundry, bathroom, and kitchen). The water supply system must be able to meet this type of peak demand. A conservative estimate is that a home will need about 150-300 gallons per day for two to four people to meet all these needs.
However, the construction industry is busiest during the Summer and Fall, which might lead to longer wait times. Also, because there is increased demand, there is increased usage of equipment. This increase can lead to downtime for repairs, maintenance, etc. A professional well drilling company should have the foresight to plan for these situations.

Spring, summer, and fall are notoriously busy for construction and environmental companies. While some processes have to wait for warmer weather, drilling a well isn’t one of them. Many homeowners assume that well drilling during the winter is more difficult because the ground is frozen. However, winter is the ideal season in which to complete this project. Due to the cold, hardened ground, there’s much less mud and damage to your yard from tire tracks left by the drilling rig. Since well-drilling companies are busiest in the spring and summer, winter also means shorter wait times for property owners.
Also, some companies take the winter off and spend time in warmer climates. This can cause delays and unwanted frustration—especially if you are having a replacement well drilled for your home’s acute water needs.
When all is said and done, the entire water well installation process takes about one or two weeks. This is usually quite surprising to those looking to drill a well. You can go from untouched earth to a fully functioning water well in no time! The bottom line is, C&J Well Co can drill your private water well in any season. We have the resources and experience to ensure your project goes as smoothly as possible. We have the skills and expertise needed to help with your well drilling needs. To learn more about well drilling or what our services can do for you, contact us today.