Preventing Common Winter Well Problems

Indiana winters can be rough on just about everything they touch. For water well owners, that means taking extra precautions to prevent problems, and being on the lookout for them throughout the cold season.

C&J Well Company offers some winter tips for long-time and new well owners alike.

Well Problems We See Each Winter

As your local Indianapolis area well experts, we’ve seen and repaired thousands of cold weather-related problems in our decades of experience. As the temperatures fall each year, a few common troubles tend to arise. These issues include:

  • Frozen and cracked/burst pipes
  • Damaged well components
  • Low or no water pressure
  • No-water emergencies
  • Water heater failures
  • Power outages

Some of these winter well problems are relatively easy to identify and fix. Others often require the assistance of a professional team like ours. Even if you think you know what the problem is and how to solve it, a second opinion never hurts. We’re happy to help. For more on our professional water well services, visit here.

What Well Owners Can Do

It’s already November, and winter will be here before we know it. The most important thing water well owners can do – and should do – is winterize their wells right now. We shared some tips on how to do that; you can read the article here. Also, please don’t hesitate to call us if you have any questions or would like additional advice for protecting your well.

Frozen and burst plumbing pipes are probably the biggest complaint we hear from customers in the wintertime. They’re also one of the most damaging and can be costly to repair. Remember that heat and running water are ice’s worst enemies. So, insulate those pipes, open up those cabinet doors to circulate warm air, and leave those faucets on a slow drip at night.

Stay Safe & Warm This Winter

Private wells offer many benefits over municipal water supplies, but well owners must pay a bit more attention to ensure a strong and long-lasting system at home. Safeguard your water well with these and other helpful tips on our blog, and contact us ASAP if a cold-weather well problem ever occurs.