Water Well Products

Grundfos Submersible Pumps
Grundfos submersible pumps offer high resistance to sand and other abrasives and easy maintenance. Grundfos pumps are made of stainless steel, increasing the life and performance of the pump.

Constant Pressure
Do you love the country but miss the great city water pressure? You don’t have to worry, our constant pressure systems can give you that same city water pressure right from your tap!

Fiberglass Pressure Tanks
Our composite tanks have become the tank of choice in residential and commercial applications for their unmatched performance over steel. They contain no steel, so they can’t rust.
We offer tanks from 9 gallons to 119 gallons, depending on the water storage needed. A 22-gallon tank is the most common size for residential purposes.

Sand Trap
The Sand Trap is a unique way to separate and settle out sand, shale, and oxidized organics found in some water supplies. We are able to do this by running the water through an internal swirl chamber then into a diverting plate. This will allow the heavier particles to settle to the bottom of the tank for blowdown.
- No moving parts
- No filter cartridges to clean or replace
- No backwashing needed
- High flow rate 65 G.P.M
- No electric required
- 5-year warranty on tank and head assembly

Sediment Filter
Sediment Filters remove suspended matter such as sand, dirt, rust, loose scale, clay, or organic material from the water. Untreated water passes through a filter medium that traps suspended matter. Sediment filters can remove insoluble (not dissolvable) or suspended iron and manganese. Sediment filters are for pre-filtering water to remove large sediment from a water supply. They are best installed where the water enters your house, also known as Point of Entry (POE). Generally, this kind of filter is installed before any other whole house filters or appliances. By removing sand and large sediment upfront, the life span of other filters and appliances is increased.

Hand Pump
A hand pump doesn’t use any electricity, so homeowners can still have water if the power goes out. This is a great option for people with livestock, or who just want to live off the grid. They can even be used on golf courses, campgrounds, & roadside parks, and picnic areas.

Freeze-Proof Hydrant
Freeze-proof yard hydrants are intended for irrigation purposes and outdoor watering on the farm or ranch where immediate water flow is required in sub-zero temperatures. Yard hydrants are typically used for filling field spray equipment, cleaning tools and equipment, lawn and garden care, and watering livestock. The shut-off valve is located below the frost line where water in the standpipe is allowed to drain from the valve body to prevent freezing.

Pitless Adapter & Riser
Old water well pump systems were often buried underground, or in a well pit, making them difficult to access when they need to be serviced. If you have a buried well or well pit, C&J can locate it and install a pitless adapter and riser. This allows well technicians quick and easy access to your pump, wire, and drop pipe. We extend our well heads 12″ above grade—according to Indiana state regulations—and use bug and vermin-free well caps made of rust-proof aluminum & sturdy thermoplastic.

Deep or Shallow-Well Jet Pump
Jet pumps are mounted above ground and are non-submersible. They are typically used to draw water from a well through a suction pipe in order to provide potable water or domestic water pressure. Jet pumps come in two variations—deep well and shallow well. The type of jet pump most suitable for your application will be dependent on the depth of your well. Shallow well jet pumps are used to transport water from wells as deep as 25 feet. Deep-well jet pumps are generally used for depths up to about 200 feet.